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Record video in the store "Gibsonshop.ru" http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/AKrbhF3W_wM.jpg Record video in the store "Gibsonshop.ru" http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/_kw7uT3ixpo.jpg Record video in the store "Gibsonshop.ru" http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/222222.jpg Record video in the store "Gibsonshop.ru" http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/LkDnKPeGFJY.jpg Record video in the store "Gibsonshop.ru" http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/aG-7um95c8s.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_43cf2381.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_bb4962f5.jpg Music Moscow 2011 Chasseur http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_2f27e21f.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_aef381c7.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_b227871e.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_16a4e951.jpg Music Moscow 2011 http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_d199f008.jpg 2011 Carabinier, Chasseur and cabs. http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_243a2dc3.jpg y_a52d9573.jpg http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_a52d9573.jpg 2010 One of the early Carabiniers. http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/y_c227fd5f.jpg Light Cavalery Four channel, midi rack-preamp. In production since 2009 to 2010. http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/x_d911a1ef.jpg Light Cavalery Four channel, midi rack-preamp. In production since 2009 to 2010. http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/x_bd6a3b29.jpg Light Cavalery Four channel, midi rack-preamp. In production since 2009 to 2010. http://1812custom.ru/images/foto_model/foto_media/x_45b22cbc.jpg

Универсал Volvo Concept Estate  разработан на модульной платформе SPA. Силовым агрегатом автомобиля является четырехцилиндровых двигатель коллекции Drive-E. Салон универсала больше похож на салон купе. Мультимедия расположена на центральной консоли и имеет сенсорный дисплей, как это сейчас модно.

Comments on this entry (2 comments)

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Yep realy interesting interview – it reminds me of myself. Also web developer, music freak producer and working in web :)

Posted on August 11th 2009

Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time."[1] Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.

Posted on August 11th 2009

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